Sportlov 2024

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"Sportlov kul"

Rapport för sportlovsaktiviteter med Twin Doves 2023
Aktiviteter under sportlov. Föreningen tog på eget initiativ att anordna ett besök på tekniska museet. Besöket var mycket uppskattat. Vi hade även andra utflykter som skridskoåkning.
Sport holiday
Activities during sports holidays. The association took own initiative to organize a visit to the technical museum. The visit was very much appreciated. We also had other excursions such as ice skating.

Raport 2022

The association has been active during 2022 and carried out the following activities; singing, dancing, reading aloud, trying different musical instruments and writing poetry. The activities have been free, no previous knowledge was required for the participants and everyone was welcome. Despite the financial challenge that prevails, the association has struggled to get enough resources for the activities. With the help of the city's contribution and the city's own premises, i.a. The Allaktivitetshuset and Toppstugan have succeeded in carrying out activities in 2022. The association is also LGBTQ certified, which means a great progress and new conditions for the business.

Autumn activities

Activities during the autumn holidays have been fantastic with many children living in Sundbyberg. Singing, dancing, writing poetry and rehearsing various musical instruments were instructive. The parents provide all the support for the activities to take place as smoothly as possible. The association is grateful for that.

The Foundation's 2021 activity report

Summer activity

The pandemic has not made it easier for families around the world to cope with both the socio-economic and the psychosocial part. Our main goal during the pandemic was to make sure that children and young people in Sundbyberg exercise physically. With the help of the city of Sundbyberg, we have received support to be able to carry out sports activities during the summer holidays. Children and young people have been able to try out different musical instruments and dance. This springs a meaningful one for both families and the foundation. However, we followed all recommendations from the public health authority to reduce the spread of infection.

DRC kinshasa actions


2019 has been the year Twin Dove’s nonprofit association has invested in supporting young people in Congo Kinshasa.
We founded the branch and the company with the aim of supporting young people to become financially independent and to create international networks. by inviting young people to participate in various forums that are about entrepreneurship, etc. we reached out to the target group and many became members. we continue to operate in Congo Kinshasa.
The other charity project we carry out is to visit different orphanages that we work with. we visit schools and lectures for these children as well as cultural activities.


In June 2019 the Twin doves association had the honor of being able to visit orphanages in Congo Kinshasa. We went to visit and donate toys and sports clothes for the kids. They showed incredible gratitude by thanking endlessly. children’s health is something we are passionate about and therefore we wanted to do sports activities.

Om oss

Activities with children 2019

Sport holiday and various activities with children at kungsträgården.

Summer activity with Twin Doves 2018


This summer was about integration. The Twin Doves foundation invited all children and adolescent to join the activity at the Amusement park (Gröna Lund) to have fun. With the help of guides we were able to visit Stockholm, by train and boat. The result of this activity was very positive. All the youth liked it.

Twin Doves is in collaboration with the Congolese association “Jeunesse en action” (Youth in action), an orphanage located in Congo Kinshasa taking care of and accommodating orphans between 0-18 years old, giving better opportunities to these children and young people. The main purpose behind the cooperation is about supplying them with education and integration. Further, they learn how to take good care of themselves so that they can fit in the society. By giving sewing courses, teaching and sensibilizing them about different diseases and preventions, this has lead them to learn about the basic issues in life. Twin Doves has for many years supported this association both as private individuals and non-profit organization. From 2015 to 2016, Twin Doves financially supported “Jeunesse en action” in donating gifts, including clothes, medicines, food and school supplies.

Love without limits (Kärlek utan gränser) 2016-2017

April 1, 2016, was the starting point of Twin Doves’ NGO. We then grasped the opportunity to sing for the young people and motivated them to be integrated in the Swedish society. It is not easy for a young girl, boy, and for one to handle the increasingly complex society in which we live today. Therefore, we wanted to make use of music as tool of universal language and build bridges between all races, nationalities, genders and religions. The project was intended to help young people feeling free and to be helped, to be loved and make a difference in someone else’s youth. In fact, one is happier than any other single individual when someone who goes through difficulties got the appropriate help and is in good mood. Then one can reach a wide audience who hopefully spreads like rings on the water where other young people help their equals. Spreading joy for us is a way to express our gratitude to the Swedish society that makes it possible to live in a country that promotes human rights and fair trial regardless of gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity, etc.
Please find the above statements in the link below.